Rabu, Maret 29, 2006


name:vien syafrina nasution (vien)

little bit about me: rumit, impulsif, keras kepala, konyol, easygoing, gak penting hehe : ).achievement masuk ipb tanpa niat,nilai dan usaha keras.. hehe just luck and destiny :P.last education hehehe,still in statistics ipb.I like the taste of LONTONG SAYUR MEDAN n stroberi-cheese-cake.. yummy.I like the smell of jalanan aspal yg kena ujan sebentar.My life begins when tarhim dikumandangkan sebelum azan subuh.Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen was sinar matahari yang jatuh di danau singkarak dari balik awan..subhanalloh,it was awesome!.My hidden talent is makan dengan sangat cepat kya dikejar penjajah :).My idea of complete happiness is punya restoran plus toko buku sendiri,married with 5 children or DIE YOUNG as a syahidah.Lele really scares me because it swallows ur thumb.. yaiks!.Hardest thing I should do is BERESIN KAMAR, aneh deh gak pernah bisa beres :p.Tagline for my commercial ad “GAK ADA YANG GAK PENTING,BOW!”.I dream of jadi perempuan sukses dalam bisnis&dakwah,having a real-nice family or MATI MUDA sebagai syahidah dan masuk ke syurga Alloh..amiiiinnn.. JUST WANNA BE A HAPPY WOMAN.Best Bogor spot is kompleks dosen IPB 1 sindang-barang,orang dan rumahnya VINTAGE abisssss.Medicine for my soul and mind is QURAN.The best gig ever was PIALA DUNIA 1998.The soundtrack of my life is LAGU: KULIHAT AWAN SEPUTIH KAPAS ARAK-BERARAK DI LANGIT LUAS ANDAI KUDAPAT KESANA TERBANG AKAN KURAIH KU BAWA PULANG, lupa apa judulnya =).I cant live without MY FAMILY,I always love their insanity,serius tapi santai or santai tapi gelo hehehe,love them so much!.My guilty pleasure is memaki pengendara-motor-gak-ada-otaknya while I was driving my biru-yahud-panther-ever.. hehe dendam pribadi neeeyyy, memaki kan dosa but it’s FUN anyway :).My favorite quote would be PLEASE,DON’T MAKE ME KILL YOU -PsikopatsHIRT-I wish I were the one who create TABEL SEBARAN NORMAL.I’m inspired by OUR PROPHET SAW AND HIS COMPANION AND FAMILY.I want to be with SYEKH AHMAD YASSIN for 5 minutes and I’d say “u r really an islamic hero in this age sir,could u please show me the way to heaven please,I’m begging u =) “